
Something about high blood pressure

  Systolic blood pressure below 120 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure below 80 mm Hg are normal blood pressure levels. If the systolic is 140 mm Hg or more or if the diastolic is 90 mm Hg or more or if both systolic and diastolic are above this level then it is called high blood pressure . If blood pressure is found in the middle level, it is called pre-hypertension. How to measure:   Do not drink tea, coffee, or smoke for at least half an hour before measuring blood pressure. Blood pressure should be measured after at least five minutes of rest. The legs should be placed on the floor and the hands should be placed on the front table or chair. The cuff of the blood pressure meter should be tied one inch above the elbow fold. Now automated blood pressure measuring instruments are also available. When to take medicine Regular exercise, changes in eating habits, weight control, and smoking cessation are sufficient for pre-hypertension. Prescription is generally required on the...

How to get rid of foot odor forever

Do you want to know how to get rid of foot odor ? Don't worry, with our tips you will be able to eliminate foot odor forever. Bad foot odor or plantar bromhidrosis, as well as other body odors, usually appear during or after puberty. This is due to the action of certain bacteria in the sweat of certain areas of the body. But the big question is: if we all sweat and have bacteria on our skin, why do only some people get smelly feet? Do not miss this article, we clear this and other doubts about bromhidrosis. If your feet smell, take note, we'll show you how to solve this annoying problem. Why does foot odor appear? The bad smell of feet, as well as other parts of our body, is produced by the sweat glands. These generate sweat that is usually liquid and odorless. In turn, there are two types of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. 1. Eccrine glands are the most common and are spread over the entire surface of the skin. The sweat produced by these glands is made up of 99% water a...

Ways to get rid of gastric.

 Ways to get rid of gastric.  Ways to reduce gastrically . Excessive gastric problems are increasing in our bodies. Everyone, big or small, has to follow some rules to stay away from gastric problems due to the current gas problem. Like extra spices, sweets, fried, soybean oil, extra fried, vegetables, batches, pickles, drink, again if someone drinks alcohol. Many smoke cigarettes. Save food in the ice chest for quite a while. Eat extra fatty foods. And eating outdoors causes many gas problems in our body. So most gas problems increase. Ways to reduce gastric or release. Gastric symptoms and remedies. There are many other things that can cause you gas problems, but these should always be adhered to. Many people get heartburn just before or after a meal just because of gastric problems. So we have to eat juicy national wet food. And drinking extra water is very necessary. You should never neglect gastric problems. Gastric or peptic ulcer : It is the only medicine that can cure ...

10 practical tips to stay on the diet

 10 Practical tips to stay on the diet. Following a diet strictly and consistently is hard, so here are some tips that will help you resist the temptation to abandon it and will make it easier for you to achieve your goals for B-day. Take good notes! If before the wedding you want to lose a few kilos and you have started a diet to look great in your suit and wedding dress, you should know that the key to success is eating healthy and exercising. But how to be constant and stand firm? With these 10 tips .  They are simple, they are practical and... they work! Surely those who received your wedding invitations will admire the change and your effort. Especially when they see you walking towards the altar and when you are dancing to all the wedding songs chosen for the party. Let nothing and no one stop you! 1. Step away from the scale Constantly weighing yourself will only serve to make the whole process harder for you. Why? Because the results are noticeable slowly and seeing t...

7 Foods that will make you grow taller.

7 Foods that will make you grow taller Our height is, in part, genetically determined. What does this mean? That we will be as tall and healthy as our parents or grandparents are. However, it is possible to help our bodies grow larger and in a healthier way. How? There are some foods that can be very important to be able to reach our maximum potential and always feel strong. Are you interested? We tell you here what are the 7 foods that cannot be missing in your diet. what do you eat to get taller? 1. Fruits and vegetables All children need to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure they get enough vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for the growth and development of bones and soft tissues. Some good fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A are carrots, broccoli, spinach, cantaloupe, and peaches. 2. Starches and cereals What are we talking about? Whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, popcorn, and the cereals you already know. Because they are important? Because they p...

How to grow taller? 15 foods, 7 exercises, and 5 tips and tricks.

How to grow taller? 15 Foods, 7 Exercises, and 5 Tips and Tricks Growing tall in adulthood is unlikely. Great results should not be expected from exercises such as hanging from a high bar or following a special diet. In any case, animating development is conceivable in pre-adulthood. With foods and exercises for teenagers, you could grow in height up to 15-20% , which is equivalent to about 5-10 cm in height permanently. (4.6) In fact, adolescence is one of the periods of life that contributes the most to the final height of a person. This happens rapidly, where active work and eating great are central issues for the body to arrive at its most extreme development potential. Additionally, making changes to your attire, hairstyle, and stance will cause you to show up essentially taller. This article details tips, foods, and exercises; not only to grow or increase in height in adolescence but to appear taller. Foods to grow taller -  Tips to get taller While height is determined by ...

6 Important Nutrition Tips for Young Men

 6 Important Nutrition Tips for Young Men  Starting to develop healthy habits in early adulthood is not usually something that most young men consider, but it is extremely important that they start doing it. Given this, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics of the United States states that young people's best nutrition tips should do the following: 1. Start the day with breakfast. 2. Have a mid-morning snack to maintain energy and avoid overeating during meals. 3. Eat plenty of low-fat protein, such as fish, tofu, legumes, skinless poultry. 4. Choose heart-healthy fats, such as avocado, olive, and canola oils, walnuts, and almonds. 5. Get enough calcium and vitamin D, including at least three daily servings of low-fat cheese, milk, or yogurt. 6. Get regular exercise, including exercises that promote strength and weight-bearing. Nutrition is not a concern for young men- nutrition tips for beginners It is normal that for many young people nutrition is not always a concern. The...